windows xp, synchronize web site using winscp

If you have:
d:\localsite, with files index.htm, test.htm,
and want to synchronize it with your web server,
here is how to set up winscp:

Create your ftp account on winscp. Login.
Select "d:\localsite" on the left, and webserver "/" on the right pane.
Click on left pane.
click on menu: command/synchronize, or icon in toolbar (2 rotating blue arrows).

Local directory: d:\localsite
Remote directory: /
Direction/target directory: Remote
Mode: Synchronize
Synchronize options: Preview changes
Comparison criteria: File size
Transfer settings: Binary
you can check "Use same options next time" if you want.

Click OK.

Note: if you click on right pane, and then click on Synchronize,
direction will be set to Local. Which means files on the server will be compared to local files,
and if there is a difference, webserver files will be copied to d:\localsite.
So, make sure you select "Remote" in the settings.

You will see a synchronization checklist. Changed files will be blue, new files green, delete files red.
Arrow will point from left to right. From "d:\localsite" to "/".

Check files you want to delete, (usually all), or click on "Check all" on the right.
Click on OK.